X-Ray in Dearborn

x-ray in Dearborn

X-Ray in Dearborn

X-rays allow your doctor to observe the inside structures of your body. Using electromagnetic waves – a type of radiation – x-ray beams pass through your body and are absorbed. This creates images of your body in varying shades of black and white. These color changes are due to the fact that certain tissues absorb radiation differently, depending on their density. Bones show up as white on account of their high calcium content, whereas fat and muscle tissues appear gray. Since air absorbs the least amount of radiation, lungs appear black.

5 Reasons you need an X-Ray in Dearborn

While x-rays are a convenient, pain-free, and often necessary diagnostic tool toward protecting our health, there is concern within the medical community that overuse of x-ray imaging may cause lasting cell mutations in the body that may lead to cancer. With that in mind, your doctor will certainly practice caution before administering x-rays willy-nilly every time you come in for a checkup!

When Does a Doctor Order an X-ray

  1. Injuries and fractures to bones
  2. Dense tissues in the body
  3. Cancer
  4. Arthritis
  5. Tooth decay

1. Bone Fracture

Bone fractures are most commonly recognized through the use of x-ray imaging. That said, sprains and ligament damage may be diagnosed by your doctor without the use of radiation. Beyond fractures, x-rays can also be used to identify bone deformities and to verify that bones are healing correctly following a medical procedure. X-rays are useful in diagnosing dislocated joints as well.


Chest x-rays are a useful tool when it comes to detecting various conditions affecting the lungs. If you are experiencing chest pains or difficulty breathing, your doctor will likely have x-rays done in order to diagnose the severity of your condition.


  1. Pneumonia
  2. Bronchitis
  3. Tuberculosis
  4. Emphysema
  5. Cystic fibrosis
  6. Foreign body presence


While we know that excessive x-ray technology can be associated with cancer-causing risks, x-ray imaging is an essential asset when it comes to detecting tumors and their stages. X-rays may also be used for early detection or cancer screening tests, since cancer can be observed in both bone and tissue. 

Here are a few common types of cancers that your doctor may use x-rays to detect:

  • Lung cancer
  • Bone cancer
  • Colon cancer
  • Prostate cancer


Blood tests and regular doctor’s exams can often confirm most signs of arthritis, but when it comes to osteoarthritis – a type of arthritis affecting the flexible tissues at the ends of bones – your doctor will need to take an x-ray. In most cases, x-rays can show the amount of cartilage loss and spurring of the underlying bone.

5. Tooth Decay

Dental x-rays can show areas of tooth decay that your dentist may not be able to observe during an oral exam. This not only includes small areas of decay, but decay that occurs underneath an existing filling as well. Ahead of any dental procedure, such as braces, dentures, or other implants, your dentist will use x-ray imaging first. Dental x-rays also reveal bone loss and other changes that could indicate gum disease or infections. Normally your dentist will only have x-rays taken every two or three years, but if an underlying condition exists, dental x-rays may be necessary every six months or so.

Dearborn X-ray services are available for your convenience. Contact us or visit us at


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